CBE Professor Named an NSF Program Director
Rohit Ramachandran, a professor in the School of Engineering Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (CBE), has joined the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a program director.
According to Ramachandran, the NSF offers scientists, engineers, and educators assignments for up to four years as program director, who facilitate merit review panels, recommend which proposals to fund, influence new directions in STEM fields, support cutting-edge cross-disciplinary research, mentor junior faculty and researchers, and meet NSF strategic goals on a rotating basis.
Ramachandran reports that he has currently joined the Process Systems, Reaction Engineering and Molecular Thermodynamics program within the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering and Transport Systems (CBET) division of the engineering directorate.

This program supports, according to the NSF, the advancement of fundamental engineering research on the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions, systems engineering and molecular thermodynamics as they relate to the design and optimization of chemical reactors and the production of specialized materials.
“Joining NSF as a program director feels like a unique opportunity to really dive into what’s happening across science and engineering right now,” says Ramachandran. I get to help guide research that could shape the future, work alongside inspiring colleagues, and bring fresh ideas back to Rutgers at the end of my stint.
“A fun part of my job is meeting and connecting with so many talented investigators across different fields, and learning about their research areas. Personally, I also see this as a chance to give back to the research community and grow as a scientist and a leader in my field,” he says.