Funding Awarded to Engineering Professors from Rutgers Research Council

Rohit Ramachandran, professor of chemical and biochemical engineering (CBE), Grace Guo, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering (ISE), Jorge Ortiz, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering (ECE), and Yuebin Guo, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering (MAE) were awarded $25,000 from Rutgers Research Council for their proposal titled “Toward next-generation intelligent pharmaceutical drug product manufacturing for efficient patient healthcare”. This award is part of the RU Research Council Collaborative Multidisciplinary awards program which funds collaborative research on new and shared research problems with complex intellectual and societal requirements.
The intellectual merit of the work is to bring together a cross-disciplinary team with synergistic skills and approaches from different engineering domain areas focusing on their integration with one another to develop and implement AI/MI tools in pharmaceutical drug product design. The broader impact of the work will be to establish a conduit for cross-collaboration of student-driven research between CBE/MAE/ISE/ECE, which in today’s digital era is an important new skill to foster in advanced manufacturing industries.